The Worldwide Postcretaceous Pandemic of PTSD and ASPD is About to Explode

Whose Fault is it? And What Can We Do?

Harri Hyrsh
9 min readJan 27, 2022

Civilization is fracturing.

Everything valuable is breaking down.

Everybody has become increasingly suspicious of or hostile to each other.

Everybody is hurting each other.

Everybody is increasingly hurt or scared.

Everybody has been traumatized by the abuses they inflict on each other.

We’ve all been traumatized so severely for so long that it’s a wonder so many of us are still alive at all.

The walls are going up, dividing humanity between “US” and “THEM”.

And all this negativity and evil just keeps growing. Eventually it’s going to reach a breaking point and explode into a psychological/spiritual pandemic. And it’s going to happen soon.

Mother Nature has been “suffering” for too long. The meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs and nearly killed her millions of years ago left a scar that never quite healed.

The extremely oversensitive fight or flight instincts which the survivors of that disaster passed down to their descendants continues to turn all species against each other in endless warfare.

They rip through budding symbiotic relationships, annihilate whole ecosystems and their biomass, and even rob sentient beings of their sentience until there’s nothing left of them but their fight or flight instincts—their survival instincts.

The human way of expressing what that feels like from the inside is that all of your other thoughts and feelings are destroyed and replaced by blind panic, which causes you to lash out in perceived self-defense and hurt others. Even when there’s no real danger to defend yourself from.

This downward spiral has gone on for eons. Mother Nature isn’t going to endure it much longer. The accumulated “trauma” and “hostility” inflicted upon her since time immemorial is going to explode.

And that explosion is going to manifest most strongly in the behavior of the living species with the most empathy and intelligence, because that species would be the part of Mother Nature most naturally sensitive to and aware of her “feelings”.*

It’s going to manifest in our species, humankind.

We all can see this happening in our lives and society right now. Whose fault is it?

Ask anyone on the street, and they’ll tell you. “It’s the liberals’ fault.” “It’s the conservatives’ fault.” “It’s racist white people’s fault.” “It’s overly sensitive millennials’ fault.” “It’s the government’s fault.” “It’s corporations’ fault.” “It’s the fault of the ignorant masses.” “It’s socialism’s fault.” “It’s capitalism’s fault.” “It’s the church’s fault.” “It’s the Jews’ fault.” “It’s the Devil’s fault.”

Pretty much everyone is quick to point the finger at their political and cultural enemies, never taking responsibility for themselves and their own part.

The walls are going up, the doors are closing and locking and the keys are being thrown away. We’re like animals being penned in and prepared for slaughter.

Except that unlike animals, many of us humans seem to be actively looking forward to being penned in, because they think being penned in makes them free from having to put up with the other animals.

I’m not looking forward to that. The very idea terrifies me. If the walls go up completely, I will be isolated and cut off from the world. I will be trapped in the middle with nowhere to go and almost no one I can trust to help me.

I don’t have any particular faction or tribe to call my own. I don’t have a people to belong to. I’m both a liberal and a conservative. I see valid concerns on all sides of the political and cultural divides.

I care about personal freedom and individuality, but I also care about leadership, order and the rule of law. I value change and innovation, but I also value stability and tradition (which makes my lack of a people to belong to all the more painful, because it means I lack cultural traditions).

I’m deeply religious and believe in God, but I’m also deeply secular and believe in human potential. I believe that there is both a sacred and a mundane (epic and normal) explanation for everything, because they are two sides of the same coin.

I see life and civilization as a great balancing act. The Great Balancing Act, as I sometimes call it. And right now, we aren’t doing a very good job at it. We’re wobbling on the tightrope, about to fall.

If all of humanity is divided between “US” and “THEM”, how are we supposed to work together when it really matters? How are we supposed to deal with problems that threaten all of us, like the proliferation of WMDs, ecological disasters or artificial intelligence disasters, if we won’t even trust each other enough to sit down at the same table to talk about them in the first place?

People who are good and wise talk about their problems. They come to agreements and can tolerate not getting everything they want all the time.

The existence of civilization depends on people being good and wise. You can’t have a civilization without the ability and the will to understand and work with other people with different knowledge, skills, backgrounds and values than your own. Just like how you can’t have relationships of any kind without give and take.

I’ve tried to explain all this to people before. They almost never listen. Everyone wants to believe they’re the smart ones on the side of good and that everyone else is either stupid or evil. They focus only on the kinds of societal problems they care about most at the expense of all the others.

Explaining their blind spots to them tends to get them upset or even angry, because they associate those criticisms with their political enemies.

And when people are enemies of each other, they don’t try to understand each other’s values and perspectives. They definitely don’t try to come up with creative, outside-the-box solutions and compromises that could satisfy everyone.

When people are enemies of each other, they don’t act good or wise. Instead they fight each other at every turn. They never acknowledge each other’s concerns the tiniest bit, no matter how reasonable those concerns may be, because they don’t expect their own concerns to be acknowledged in turn.

To validate the concerns of your enemy is to show compassion and understanding for your enemy, and that can easily backfire. Your enemy could spit on your compassion. They could triumphantly crow, “Haha, you see now! I was right all along, and you were wrong. Now abandon your own side and join mine!”

Furthermore, any attempt you make to show compassion to your enemy would look suspicious and ungenuine to them. They don’t expect you to show them compassion, and if you try to do so they will assume there’s a hidden nefarious purpose behind it.

And anyone who claims to be on all sides, anyone who wants to side with all humankind, ends up being seen as on no one’s side. If you try to be everyone’s ally, they all think “You’re allied with my enemies, so you must be my enemy too.”

Such a person could eventually find themselves alone in the world, without a people, without a home and with very few if any allies. They could find themselves without the support structure that communities provide, leaving them vulnerable.

Everyone is someone else’s enemy, and our struggle against each other is tearing us all apart.

I want to do something about that. I don’t want to stand idly by, helpless, as my world comes crashing down around me. I’m twenty-eight years old and I’ve hardly had the chance to begin living. I just survived twenty-two years of extreme brain poisoning, frequent isolation and ostracism, and captivity since I was five years old.

After that I went on a long walk through the city during which I nearly starved, got kidnapped by police and locked up in abusive mental hospitals which nearly killed me on two separate occasions, and underwent a near total immune system reboot which functionally resembled infancy and left much of my personality age-regressed.

And I kept having to grow and improve and relearn my skills over and over again to an absurd degree throughout that whole process just to survive it.

I don’t want that to have been for nothing. I don’t want my life to have been wasted in vain.

I want to go on adventures, to see the world, to meet, help and befriend many people. I want to make it to the stars someday.

But I can’t make it there alone.

I’ve waited forever for my knight in shining armor to arrive. He never came for me, so I tried to become him. I tried to become strong enough to rescue myself.

It hasn’t worked. I want to escape from this cage, but I lack the power.

If civilization continues to divide itself, if the walls go up completely, then sooner or later there may be no one left who will rescue me because I’m not “of their kind”.

And I really need someone to rescue me. After decades of extreme social isolation and of my “disordered” personality being forcefully tampered with by dangerous psychoactive substances in large doses since I was a small child (in other words my soul being raped, since “personality” is another word for “soul" or “spirit”)… the damage is starting to take its toll.

I’ve been starved for human touch nearly my entire life. If I don’t find and connect with enough people who love me enough to talk to me and give me a hug in the real world, then I’m going to die. Probably in the next five to ten years in the best case scenario.

This isn’t just the government’s fault. There isn’t any one particular faction (at least that I currently know exists in this world) which consciously and deliberately chose for this to happen to me. Everyone has contributed bits and pieces to my situation in different ways.

Most people I know blame the government and the corporations which back it for everything wrong in our lives and society. But they aren’t the only ones at fault. Almost everyone is. And chances are in the vast majority of cases that includes you.

Every time you abuse your children and neighbors because of your particular faction’s "morality", every time you use force and dogma to trap people, and every time you steal from and take advantage of those who try to help you because "they’re the real bad guys and they deserve it"...

You’re proving that you would be just as harmful and dangerous to everyone as the government is, if you were in their place.

Jesus Christ already sacrificed himself on the cross to snap us all out of this bullshit. He made himself a target of society’s collective rage, trauma and hostility that it had bottled up for ages, so that everyone would take it out on him instead of each other—unleashing all our sin upon him in the form of violence with intent to kill.

Then he forgave us all, thereby breaking the cycle of vengeance our ancestors were stuck in during his birth era.

Most people alive today seem to have failed to learn the right lessons from that. We’ve become trapped in that cycle of vengeance, the culture war, all over again.

I’d really rather not have to do the same thing Jesus did, especially if it doesn’t actually make things better in the long run. I’m sure there must be some way to build on his work though.

The root problem is clearly the collective trauma, depression and hostility that our world’s societies and ecosystems have been accumulating and bottling up for a long time. I was hoping that there would be some way for that to be healed before it explodes, but I don’t currently see any reasonable way for that to happen.

Maybe once it’s exploded and enough people have worked that crap out of their system, I could just go to an open mic night at some bar or another, sing some of my songs, tell some stories and inspire people with them.

By then a lot of people will be feeling so lost, depressed, helpless and lonely that I’ll probably tend to be the only person in the room who still has hope and positivity to give, and I’ll have plenty of it.

Maybe then we all will finally get our shit together, start repairing the damage caused by that meteor millions of years ago, and restore the Garden of Eden.

Does anybody have any ideas for things I can do to help prepare for that? Or for mitigating or preventing our society’s psychological/spiritual negativity explosion before it happens (if it’s even possible)?

I’m open to suggestions. Thanks! ❤️🙏😁

*Mother Nature’s “feelings” are described in quotation marks because the concept of “emotions” means something slightly different for her than us.



Harri Hyrsh

A gamer, cross-cultural diplomat and real-life anime hero. On a quest to find his soulmate and save the world with the power of love and strategy.